Hammer's Blog

Open KDE Menu with the windows/meta key

This used to be quite a difficult one to achieve but it is very easy now. Install the package Ksuperkey from the AUR if using Arch, start the application by opening the Alt+F2 menu and typing ksupe...

Scanner Server Ubuntu 14.04

I recently decided to attach my scanner to my server so all machines could use the scanner without having to fiddle with cables etc. The scanner is a small Canon Lide 35 which is powered by the USB...

Fail2ban Horde Webmail

This will show you how to setup horde to log failed logins and use fail2ban to detect these. A useful tool to check if any fail2ban filters are working as expected is the fail2ban-regex tool, more ...

Caesar Cipher Decryption Tool in Java

One of my university modules tasked me with developing a Caesar cipher decryption tool. The tool had to be able to decrypt any encrypted text without knowing the offset used to encrypt the text. Th...

Prevent brute force attacks against ownCloud

Owncloud does not prevent brute forces attacks by itself and a hacker could try thousands of passwords continuously until they crack it. Fail2ban can be used to prevent this type of attack. Ownclou...

KDE QT appearance keeps changing to GTK theme

I recently decided to install Arch on my desktop and thought I'd give KDE another go. I have been using Gnome 3 on my laptop for a while and I wanted to try something else. One issue had been integ...

Get an A+ in Qualys SSL Labs

I got a secure certificate from StartSSL which is completely free. This has the advantage that it is a fully validated certificate so you will no longer get those warning messages from browsers. I ...

Ubuntu/Linux WIll not sleep when MythTV Backend is running

This has been very frustrating as I initially thought Ubuntu would not sleep because of the graphics drivers. I figured out it would not sleep when the mythtv backend service was running. It would ...

Gnome Network Manager OpenVPN AS Import from ovpn file

I like to use the network applet within Linux instead of using the supplied openVPN terminal tool. Download the ovpn file which by default is called client.ovpn Now we need to extract the following...

Add Custom Fields Horde 5 Turba

This post will show you how to add multiple custom fields to Horde 5's Address Book Application. Annoyingly the system only has an email field by default but there are several ways to easily enable...

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